About Us

Prestige Executives - Prestige talent, perfectly placed

Today's job market is very saturated & hard to sift through. We make it easy!

We specialize in helping leading financial executives (along with other industry leaders) place top -tier executive assistants and sales managers that can help expand their business, simplify their workflow, and provide structure in their business dealings. We take pride in placing personable people that can make a true impact in executives' dealings with coworkers and clients alike.

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success story

We offer placement services to clients and candidates alike! We can make the perfect pairing between a top-tier candidate and a leading executive in no time!

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Prestige Executives - Prestige talent, perfectly placed.

We strive to give our clients and candidates the best service possible. We place intelligent, driven, and personable candidates with reputable, successful executives to create a harmonious match where both can grow!